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Speaker: Dr. Jasmin Schulz
D.Phil in Clinical Medicine, Strategic Programme Officer
Luxembourg Institute of Health
Recorded April 14, 2021

With over 59,000 cases of infections and 725 deaths as of March 24th, the COVID-19 pandemic represents a high healthcare burden in Luxembourg as in the rest of the world. A total of 626,108 people are living in Luxembourg and more than 200,000 frontier workers cross the French, Belgian, and German borders every day.*
The Luxembourg Government has set-up a large scale testing strategy that is structured, targeted, and flexible with the aim to test representative samples of the population and where COVID-19 PCR tests are offered to residents and cross-border workers.
To support this initiative, the COVID-19 Task Force has been set-up to offer the health system the combined expertise available within the Luxembourg public research sector.
This webinar focuses on large scale testing and will describe the COVID-19 activities including evaluation and implementation of diagnostic methods in virology and immunology, epidemiological studies, as well as research and development activities.
Dr. Jasmin Schulz
D.Phil in Clinical Medicine, Strategic Programme Officer
Luxembourg Institute of Health
Dr Jasmin Schulz is Strategic Programme Officer at Luxembourg Instituteof Health. After completing a D.Phil in Clinical Medicine at Oxford University,she worked as project manager for UK’s 100,000 Genomes Project. She wasresponsible for the operational management of the first phase of Large-ScaleSARS-CoV-2 testing in Luxembourg.
Learning objectives:
- Learn about the large scale COVID-19 PCR testing program set up by the government of Luxembourg: enrollment, sampling, testing methods.
- Understand how the COVID-19 task force combined the expertise to support the health system and research efforts.
- Learn about the benefits of such a program in terms of public health as well as research outcomes.
Who Should Attend
Laboratory Directors, Laboratory Managers, Public health, Researchers, Epidemiologists, Virologists