siemens healthineers at hbi

Healthcare Business International (HBI) 2022

Seizing the opportunity

Siemens Healthineers was a Strategic Sponsor of Healthcare Business International 2022 (HBI), the industry's annual C-level conference that brings together operators, investors, advisors, and suppliers. HBI 2022 connected the global for-profit health care services industry to build partnerships and accelerate business growth. 

Date: June 20 - 22, 2022
In-person conference, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, London, UK 

Our Activities

Hover over the tiles to watch the available recordings of our sessions:

"It’s all about the Patient Experience…"

With more touchpoints due to digitalisation, now is the time to unlock the strategic value in patient experience and establish as a core strength and asset. This panel will explore the topic with practical examples of how organisations are approaching the next generation of patient experience.

Watch here

Dr. Christina Triantafyllou
Global Head of Improving Patient Experience
Siemens Healthineers 

"Addressing the Health Workforce Crisis"

Workforce and capacity constraints are the biggest barrier to growth for health care. This session will bring case studies to inspire new ideas and thinking to tackle this critical challenge.

Watch here

Ghada Trotabas
Executive Vice President and Head of Great Britain and Ireland
Siemens Healthineers

"Future Models for Hospitals"

The drive to outpatient and the growth of value health tariffs impacts all hospital chains. How are operators managing these transitions? What are the financial risks of changing business models? And what will happen to the international private patient market as COVID-19 retreats?

Watch here

Dr. Herbert Staehr
VP Global Head of Transforming Care Delivery
Siemens Healthineers

"Partnering Strategies for University Hospitals"

This half-day event looks at the considerable management challenges that the university hospital/academic medical centers and allied research institutes face and how they can best be overcome.

Recording is not available.

About HBI

HBI brings together the policymakers, payors, investors, CEOs and advisers from all around the world who are creating and shaping our healthcare industry. Across every sector - from hospitals to labs and from nursing homes to homecare - thought leaders and game changers are constructing compelling new platforms that meld together services, digital health and M&A.

Why watch our sessions from HBI 2022: 
As a leader in the global healthcare industry, Siemens Healthineers is committed to sharing ideas, disseminating original research, and being actively engaged at the leading edge of thought leadership. Watch our sessions from HBI 2022 and get exclusive insights on how to turn challenges into opportunities and how to deliver high-value care.