Explore the correct urinalysis testing procedure and guidelines to ensure correct patient results.
Routine urinalysis consists of color, clarity specific gravity and a chemical examination including pH, albumin, glucose, ketones, bile, leukocyte esterase, nitrite, and blood. Microscopic examination, if indicated, includes cell identification, casts, crystals, bacteria, and miscellaneous. In this webinar, Associate Prof. Dr. Pavai Sthaneshwar explored the correct urinalysis testing procedure and guidelines to ensure correct patient results.
Performance-driven urinalysis solutions from Siemens Healthineers support early detection, monitoring, and management of diseases. Powered by our proprietary Auto-Checks™ technology, our urinalysis reagent strips provide fast, reliable insight into patient health.
The following topics were also discussed:
Performance-driven urinalysis solutions from Siemens Healthineers support early detection, monitoring, and management of diseases. Powered by our proprietary Auto-Checks™ technology, our urinalysis reagent strips provide fast, reliable insight into patient health.
The following topics were also discussed:
- Optimal storage time and temperature for urinalysis samples.
- Proper storage of and procedure for the use of urinalysis reagent strips.
- Chemical reactions, quality control measures, and interpretation of results for urinalysis reagent strip analytes including pH, specific gravity, protein, glucose, ketones, bilirubin, blood, nitrites, urobilinogen, leukocyte esterase.
- Proper techniques used during urinalysis reagent strip testing; ensuring accuracy.
- Conditions and/or substances that may interfere with urinalysis reagent strip testing.
- Additional testing protocols used to confirm urinalysis reagent strip testing results.
- Analytical principles of measurement in urinalysis reagent strip instruments.