4-element design, standard breast imaging matrix coil.
Breast Matrix Coil
Características y Beneficios
- 4-element design with 4 integrated preamplifiers, 2 clusters with 2 elements each
- Padded for imaging in prone position
- Stabilizing pads for wide anatomical variations
- Mediolateral compression capability
- No coil tuning
- iPAT-compatible
- Simultaneous high resolution imaging of both breasts in all directions
- Uni- or bi-lateral imaging of the breasts in sagittal direction
- Visualization of axilla region
Can be combined with
- Body Matrix coils
- All flexible coils for even more axillary coverage (e.g. CP Flex coil, small, CP Flex coil, large)
Matrix Coil Mode
- 2-channel CP Mode
- 4-channel Dual Mode
Technical Data
- Dimensions: 500 mm × 520 mm × 135 mm (L×W×H)
General Requirements
- MAGNETOM Symphony, A Tim System
Minimum Software Version
syngo MR B13
syngo MR C11
Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your request, your local Siemens representative will clarify whether your system meets the requirements.
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